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Port forwarding
Updated over 9 months ago

If you use online table booking, online purchase of memberships or similar services, it requires that some specific ports are opened in the router if you host your own server.

In this guide, we do NOT explain how exactly to open ports on a specific router.
The guide only explains which ports to open. There are many brands/models of routers and the setup will vary depending on which brand/model you have.

If you have questions about the setup on a specific router, FlexyBox recommends that you contact your ISP or the company that manufactures your specific router.

You can open ports in two ways:

Method nr. 1:
We recommend that you prioritize the security of that network and only open up to FlexyBox IPs. To do so, follow this guide:

Step 1:

  • Press the Windows icon at the bottom right of your computer screen and search for cms (nr. 1).

  • Find Command Prompt (nr. 2)

  • Press Run as administrator (nr. 3).

1 til 3.png

Step 2:

  • A new window will open where you need to insert the text below (nr. 4 and nr. 5).

netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name= "FlexyBox SQL Access" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=1008 remoteip=,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,LocalSubnet


Step 3:

You now need to open up ports in your router. Here you need to open port: 1005-1007 and 1009 for everyone. These ports are used to talk to different cloud systems, allow access for handhelds and so on.

All ports must be forwarded directly to your Flexybox server IP address, which must be static.
own IP-addresses

1008 for the following IP addresses:



  • This is also where you can add your own IP addresses if you want to access your system remotely.

Remember! You can NOT access the FlexyBook system if you ONLY open for FlexyBox IPs, but are NOT on the network where the server is also located. For example, if you choose to work from home with your own PC, you will not be able to access the system. To solve this challenge, we recommend that you use VPN or add your own IP, see above. If you want to hear more about this, we refer you to our IT partner, IT Guy ApS.

Method 2:
Flexybox does not recommend this method, but here you open port 1000 through 1010 for everything and everyone.

Examples of port forwarding rules:
Example 1
1000-1010 - Server IP (Here you use the IP that the server has or will have)
Here a rule is made that opens all necessary ports at once pointing to the server's IP.

Example 2
1000-1000 - Server IP
1001-1001 - Server IP
1002-1002 - Server IP
1003-1003 - Server IP
1004-1004 - Server IP
1005-1005 - Server IP
1006-1006 - Server IP
1007-1007 - Server IP
1008-1008 - Server IP
1009-1009 - Server IP
1010-1010 - Server IP

Remember! In some cases, the changes will only work if a rule is made per port.
If you have two servers on the same network, you cannot use the same ports. You will have to use these ports instead:

Info: This is only relevant if you have to FlexyBox systems in the same building. If this is the case, you should contact FlexyBox as we need to change the ports that the server communicates on.

2000-2000 - Server IP
2001-2001 - Server IP
2002-2002 - Server IP
2003-2003 - Server IP
2004-2004 - Server IP
2005-2005 - IP Server
2006-2006 - IP Server
2007-2007 - IP Server
2008-2008 - IP Server
2009-2009 - IP Server
2010-2010 - IP Server

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