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API Documentation
API Documentation
Opdateret for over 8 måneder siden

The FlexyBox APIs allow data to be read and manipulated in the FlexyBox systems.

The FlexyBox systems are built up of multiple microservices, each with its responsibilities and API.
We are currently in the process of renewing a lot of APIs and moving them into the cloud so there are some discrepancies in how the APIs are hosted and documented, we are moving as fast as possible to realign everything.


All APIs are protected by OAUTH 2 authentication.
To gain access to these you must have a ClientID and a ClientSecret, you can use the "identity" Microservice to create a token that you may use to access all other APIs.

Create ClientId and ClientSecret

To create a ClientID and ClientSecret you must create one using this site:

This site requires you to be an admin of the system to generate tokens, if you are not an admin you need to contact the administrator.

FlexyBox Support cannot create ClientId and ClientSecrets, it needs to be done by the administrator of the system.

Generate token​

Once you have these you may use the documentation here to generate a token: https://identity.flexybox.com/

Both end-user logins and employees will generate tokens, the tokens of an end user will have minimal access to data and will always only be able to access their data hence this token may be stored and used directly from an end user's browser in JavaScript.

This should make it easy to use the API to log in users on an external site and gain access to the FlexyBox APIs.


Cloud APIs will use CQRS, meaning most will likely have different read models than their write models.
Inserting and updating data will use REST principles wherever possible.

Public API's

Local APIs

In addition to the cloud-based APIs, there are currently also around 70 API's on the customer local client.
These are available on the customer's IP address at the following URL.
We recommend using our proxy to communicate with the local service, our support department can also provide this URL.

Our support department can supply this IP address by contacting them at [email protected].


If you have any questions regarding the APIs or great insight to help us improve, please don't hesitate to contact our API support @ [email protected]

If you need a live consultancy with a developer from our development department, this will be charged at a rate of 1.495 DKK/hour, billed per commenced ½ hour.

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